Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 4 - Phase 2

Its hard. I find the morning really difficult. For the past 2 days I've been at work so whilst the distraction of being busy has helped I have found it difficult to stop my stomach from rumbling in meetings. BUT, I've managed to stick with it and have now lost a total of 1.7 which in 3 days is quite exceptional.

I'm a milk in coffee and tea drinker and the diet only allows for 1 tablespoon of milk per day. The first day I blew it on one good coffee but then I struggle psychologically from only having one coffee. So I googled how many teaspoons in one tablespoon and there are 4, so whilst the coffee is a little odd looking at least I can have a few more cups a day and I don't feel quite so deprived.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 1 - Phase 2

So, today is Day 1. I'm feeling nervous and unsure of the process. It seems such a bizarre diet, such a low food intake I'm wandering how I'm going to function for the next 21 - 40 days. Since starting this process all I can think about is food. What am I going to eat? Where am i going to get it? But my mantra keeps running in my head - What have I got to loose.

For the past 2 days I've been fat loading. I thought I would enjoy it more than I did. When Cheryl told me to go nuts and eat as much fat laden food as I could stomach I thought Great. How fantastic to just let your guard down and eat to your hearts content. But to be honest I found it hard. Don't get me wrong. I certainly enjoy these types of foods, but not in such large and constant quantities. A slice of cheesecake, a handful of macadamias, a croissant. All eaten with the knowledge that it comes at a cost. A tighter fit in those jeans of that feeling of fullness in the face.

Anyway, now we're in the business end of the diet. Very specific food and not much of it. So far so good, although it is only 11am.