Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 4 - Phase 2

Its hard. I find the morning really difficult. For the past 2 days I've been at work so whilst the distraction of being busy has helped I have found it difficult to stop my stomach from rumbling in meetings. BUT, I've managed to stick with it and have now lost a total of 1.7 which in 3 days is quite exceptional.

I'm a milk in coffee and tea drinker and the diet only allows for 1 tablespoon of milk per day. The first day I blew it on one good coffee but then I struggle psychologically from only having one coffee. So I googled how many teaspoons in one tablespoon and there are 4, so whilst the coffee is a little odd looking at least I can have a few more cups a day and I don't feel quite so deprived.

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